It is even harder when you're on your own, running a set up that's still a baby. As if you didn't have enough struggles already, the burden of being underpaid is a winner.
Now you're a creative person. What goes into your work is a lot more than technical skills and clever thinking. There are emotions invested, hopes and aspirations, a burning desire to create something that has never been created before. This is one job where you put in a tablespoon of yourself, every time. What you present to the client is a part of you.

And when in spite of this conflict, you sell a little bit of yourself to somebody and that person offers you a fifty rupee note, it is like being slapped and stabbed at the same time. They don't know what we're even putting up on offer! I guess they will never understand. For them, it is a cold, calculating business and the only thing that drives them is - how can we cringe and save money for ourselves? How can we devise new ways to fool creative people into serving us for less than what they deserve?
These experiences teach you to be a better entrepreneur, to look out for deception, quote higher, negotiate less, and perhaps someday be so darn good that whatever you quote, nobody can refuse!
But these experiences, they also leave you broken in places.
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