Well, now that I have an up and running website, I wondered what to do with this space.
A friend came to my rescue. "Why don't you write about your experiences as a struggling entrepreneur? It could be like a diary, to which you can come back anytime for references."
And so here I am.

My name is Ragini Letitia Singh and I am the woman behind Rangini. Creativity came to me very young. I wrote my first novel at 12, had a large collection of pretty water colour paintings by 16 and presented a handmade greeting card to every family member, which was a masterpiece in itself. It came easily. When the sky was overcast and spelled rain, out came my paints, brushes and drawing book, and I was only to be found either on the terrace or in my garden, lost to everyone else. That ability to get engrossed in my work still lives. Sometimes I don't even know what day it is!
Rangini happened suddenly. It was probably my answer to a call that was bothering me within for years. As a communications professional, my job had some degree of creativity, but it was unsatisfactory for the moody artist within. I ignored myself for years, doing what everyone else does - have a job. Then followed misery, discontent and an inherent unhappiness that only festers when you deny yourself something that you badly want.
I knew what I had to do then. Armed with a capital of Rs. 0, I marched towards entrepreneurship, filled with positivity, pride and unfortunately, naivety.
Soon I realised that I don't know how to run a business. Business plans, marketing strategies, production capacity, taxes, blah blah blah.....A series of revelations followed, for example, my business sense is poor, I'm too emotional and kind to be a business woman, I take risks without thinking, etc. Everything took a plunge.
The creativity was roaring to go, but the business sense needed work. And the work has begun. The key word is 'smartness'. That's what the woman behind Rangini needs to be.
But smartness, with a heart and soul :)