Monday, February 16, 2015

Downhill Drive

Being a young entrepreneur calls for a roller coaster ride. And from what I've heard from the more experienced, the ride is pretty much downhill for the first two to three years. It's not that there are no high moments. Of course there are those short, gleaming moments of creative joy, a sense of achievement and some money in the bank. And then it plunges downwards again.

Just when you think you have gotten accustomed to it, bang! You hit the lowest low and think you're dead. I'm there right now. This very moment. Some inertia mixed with a teaspoon of gloom and a cupful of hopelessness. A deadly combination, believe me. It is here that time has stopped, as if the engine malfunctioned at the wrong time, keeping me stuck down there.

As the engineer runs awry, looking for the right tools, it seems that I'm going to be stuck here for a while. Waiting, to rise again.